'fess up Friday

Dalyn over at http://muckbootsnaprons.blogspot.com is doing a giveaway to CSN stores for $55.  If you would like to be a part of it go to her blog and follow the directions.

As I am thinking about this, she is probably the very first blog I fell in love with (if that is possible) I remember her and her family were in a write up in a magazine and I was intrigued with her lifestyle.  Even today when I talk about the "goat chick" here at home (yes, I talk about my blog friends)  everyone knows who I am talking about!!

Now on to the fess-up part...This one isn't hard after my last post.  I am struggling through winter and homeschooling right now and thinking how much simpler life would be if all 5 were in school...only for a split second!! Then I realize how blessed I am, but right now it is still a struggle.  It is one of those things, wouldn't trade it for the world, but some days life would be easier:))

Now it's your turn go to her blog and follow the directions for the give away!


  1. Thanks! You are so sweet! Guess what? All of us homeschool moms get that way...go do some fun stuff and give yourself some wiggle room! Relax however you like, and get some recreation. YOu deserve it!

  2. I totally get that way in Jan and Feb...must be the cold days when all the kids are inside;) Love Dalyn also, and also fell in love with her blog. I am blessed to know her in person since we live a few minutes away from each other. Cute blog!!


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