Talented Daughters

As my girls have grown up, I have been excited to share my love and passion for fiber arts, yarn, spinning and all the stuff that goes along with it.  They both have talents at 12 and 15 that I did not acquire until I was in my 20's.  I tell them all the time how much farther along they are. 

My oldest daughter has taken an interest in spinning and mastered her first skein of yarn using a drop spindle.  I am excited as to what is on the horizon for that talent for her.  She can knit and crochet also along with using the sewing machine.

She had her biggest accomplishment this year when she started and completed (that is a biggie around here as we don't all finish what we start, even I am bad at this!) a beautiful knitted cape for her best friend for a Christmas present!  I am one proud Mama.


  1. Ah...beautiful! Nice job on the knitting and completing a project (that is a problem around these parts too!) What a lovely Christmas gift!


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