Green Winter

The grass is green here in Michigan and has been pretty much most winter so far, so much for the hard winter they predicted for us. Of course, the beginning of last year brought us 2 huge blizzards back to back. We aren't complaining to much because animal chores have been made simplier.  Last year we pick up our three goats and three days later we got 20 inches of snow in a blizzard that we haven't seen since I was a kid.  Hubby and I spent most of that night checking on animals and having "Little House on the Praire" snow storm moments where we couldn't even see where we were going!

Looking forward to some snow though!!


  1. You'll have to visit further north Renee. We have plenty of snow, are on dog sleds, and today is a white out. But very true, milder than most. I wish I could share the white Christmas with you. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Blessings for the New Year.


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