Tuesday on Tail Spin Farm

WOW! Time sure can fly around here. Both Hubby and my youngest Sis reminded me how long it has been since I have blogged anything! I have been struggling through some health things (sinus/allergies and a tooth that had to be surgically removed), and honestly just haven't felt like doing much of anything extra! I find when I am not feeling well, God has a way of putting things into perspective for me as to what is most important. Although on the days when I was feeling good I got a lot accomplished. We have been making soap again. The more we make it, the easier it gets and the more creative we get! So I have 5 batches all cut and sitting with 2 or 3 more planned this week. I have also been able to dye some fiber today for a Christmas present I want to start working on.
November is a big birthday month for our family and even more so this year. Our second son Cameron turned 16 on Friday and Hubby's birthday is this Thursday. Our oldest, Nolan, turns 18 Thanksgiving weekend! Oh my where did time go there? Hubby and I were able to take them this past Sunday to see the "Called to Love" tour with Jason Gray, Aaron Shust, and Downhere. Hubby radio show job has some perks and he was able to land us some "meet and greet" tickets, so we met them also and had VIP seats four rows back from the stage!! Very awesome people and performers with great messages. There were I few indications that I am getting old though;

1. I have not been to a concert in about 20 years and the last one I was at was the Beach Boys:)
2. I could not handle the level of the music so I spent the night with toilet paper stuffed in my ears:)
3. A couple of times during the show I was very content to just sit and watch rather than be on my feet.

Oh well.

School is still in full swing and we will probably stay that way until the week of Thanksgiving unless something unexpected comes our way. One thing I have learned is there is a lesson in everyday.

I am always amazed with our finds on a nature walk

Monarch Butterfly in October

Nature Journaling at its best

soap making

"Autumn Harvest" up close

I finally finished and sold my bridal shawl!

Happy 16th birthday parfait

He doesn't like his picture taken...can you tell?

Same kid, different picture:))

Aaron Shust, Jason Gray, Downhere

Aaron Shust

Jason Gray

Mark Martel from Downhere

Everyone on Stage at the end of the concert


  1. I really like what you said, Renee, that there is a lesson in everyday. So very true!

    Hmmm, I am between spinning projects right now but reading your blog has inspired me to sit down with some angora bunny fiber and spin something up for the cuffs of mittens ;D

  2. Great pictures! And beautiful soap! Is it goat's milk soap??! Good to see you posting Renee~ sorry to hear you've been sick. I'm looking forward to visiting with your hubby in a couple of weeks:))


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