Few and Far Between

Every year I say I am going to do better with my blog post.  Every year I do, but there are always those down times.  We have been busy here, coming off of the 4-H fair and moving into our vacation and then school starting.  I can't believe I have been homeschooling for 9 years.  If you would have told me that 15 years ago I would have laughed at you (hysterically)  Now, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It has been one of the greatest journeys of my life and I realize how much I am blessed to get to know my own children so well.  I have realized this has become one of those "lost arts" today.  We are taking a different view on our year, our oldest has technically graduated and will spend the year C.L.E.P. ing out of everything he can and researching scholarships.  After getting one through with flying colors, I have a new outlook on our homeschooling journey and realize everyday is a new lesson (if you are looking!)  Coming out of the public school system and not doing real well with my journey, I have learned SO MUCH the last 10-15 years on my own.  It is a matter of loving the journey of learning.  After spending 5 months remodeling our house (it was supposed to last 5 weeks) and my Mom being seriously ill and in the hospital during 12 weeks of this, I realized that Life just happens and we need to let it, and learn from it.  My kids will learn more from that, than any 8 hour scheduled classroom day.

We have slowly been getting things out of our garden and I do mean SLOW.  Usually by now, we are swimming in zuchini and summer squash,  and I am canning like crazy.  This year I have gotten 5 (total).  We leave for vacation Saturday for a week and I am thinking that it will either hit while I am gone, or when I get back.  Either way it is all good.  The girls and I canned all of our beets today and got about 15 quarts.  My Bek is excited about that, anything pickled is her cup of tea:)

I have been doing some spinning and dying (never as much as I want, but always in the season I am supposed to be in).  I hope to teach some classes this fall.  In trying to find a niche in all this fiber arts stuff, I know I am to be a wife, mom and homeschooler first.  So that leaves very little for classes or shows to attend.  I have found that there is a "lag" in learning how to do some of these lost arts.  I was inspired by Homemaker Ang who does classes at their off-grid farm.  I attended one of them last fall, and came up with some ideas of my own in fiber arts.

I am contemplating getting more goats (shhh don't tell hubby;) I have been researching Kinder goats and am in love with them!  The only problem with this is I will have to do a road trip to probably Ohio.  I am looking for milk to drink, butter to make and cheese to create,  and this breed seems to fit the bill. 

Our kitchen is almost done now.  We are waiting for trim and a few minor things, but I have counters, sink and running water, in the house!  I am a very happy woman!

"Trix" on my drum carder (Hubby named it for me:))

"Trix" on the wheel

Trix after carding




The island...I love this island

The kitchen

Added cupboards from the old kitchen

The new dining room
The island...again


  1. The kitchen looks great Renee! I was wondering how it was coming along.

    Red Gate farm just talked about kinder goats~ it might be worth it to ask her where they are getting theirs from.


    Loved the homeschool comments! So true, so true!

    And I am excited to read those notes from Genesis:))

  2. Oh I loved looking at the pictures of your kitchen! The Island IS awesome! :) How nice to be able to have it as a breakfast nook or just a place where everyone can hang out and help out with meals! :)

    I am thrilled you are thinking about teaching the classes :)

    It is truly inspiring to hear you talk about homeschooling in such a way as you have! I LOVE the idea of kids learning from life rather than learning controlling every part of their lives and just letting things go the way they will :)


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