The End is near

I can't believe it is August already!  We had 4-H fair last week and today 5 of us leave for a week of camp!  Hubby and the three older ones are faculty and our youngest is a camper.  That leaves Bek and I here to run the farm!  We have one week home together and then we will be leaving for our vacation in the Upper Pennisula.  I can not believe how fast this summer has gone.  I go into it with the mind set to slow down and the next thing I know school is starting again.

Fair was great.  We didn't have as many entries as in the past, but the kids brought home 2 rosettes, 2 honor awards, 9 blue, and 1 red ribbon.  Our youngest did a cast and mold out of eurethane (dad is a chemist) and won a rosette for his entry!  We were so excited.  There were no animals up there this year for us.  Bek's fair rabbit died shortly after fair last year, and with the crazy spring we had and her broken arm she just didn't get one ready.  Maybe next year.  I have to admit I really enjoy fair week.  I even enjoy it more than some of my kids.  I was a 4-h'er as a kid too.  I did photography and dog obedience.

The girls and I made two big batches of soap yesterday.  It was so nice to get back into the kitchen and do some serious business in there!  It is not completed yet and there is still stuff packed in the garage, but we are supposed to get counters and my sink this Wednesday and then all the little stuff will come.  I think I have missed my sink most of all.  I am tired of doing dishes on the back deck.

I am doing some creations with my angora fiber.  We have been learning how to felt (thank you Youtube~) and I have some different ideas for the shop that I hope to work on.

Bek loves her BBQ!

Josh's broad sword project

Josh's project

Kayla's drawing

Bek's blue ribbon peach cobbler
Kayla's blue ribbon cookies

Josh recieving his Rosette

The band recieving their Rosette

Dyed fiber for felting

Dying fiber for felting

Homemade Jalapeno Poppers

Girls and I making soap!


  1. I have the same thoughts about summer, Renee, and it usually gets too busy anyway! We are looking forward to the Fair, here, too. Congrats on all those ribbons!

    Can't wait to see the kitchen pics!
    And love the new blog look:))

  2. Hi there! :) I came across your blog and farm while I was looking for Angoras and I wondered if you have any for sale at the time? If you could e-mail me that would be wonderful! :) My e-mail is

    I am in Michigan too! :)


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