St. Patrick's Day Breakfast

When my kiddos were little, I started making special breakfast's on certain holidays like Valentine's and St. Patrick's Day.  I would get the holiday themed glasses or mugs at the dollar store and sometimes fill them with candy or something.  Then I would make special heart shaped muffins, and of course Irish scones for St. Patrick's day.  Even though they are much older now, (the oldest turns 18 this fall!)  I have kept up with these traditions for the younger ones and I still enjoy it too!

During the season of Lent the kids and I usually work through special devotions and work on "fasting" from something that is hard for us to give up, or maybe bad habits that we really need to work on!  I was so excited this year when I found the book "Amon's Adventure" which is a Lent Devotional Story Book.  We have read all of the Christmas Advent books (there are three of them) over the last 8 or 10 years.  The kids pick one of the three to go through.  Some years we have read them all, because the adventures connect.  The author was able to do it again with this fourth book.  I won't give away the plot, but there are some surprising connections to the three Advent stories!


  1. You are such a good mom Renee! I used to be a "good mom" (LOL:)) and make holiday themed food, but I've been a slacker the last few years~ I am in the mood now to go make something green. I don't think it makes a difference how old the kids are, they still love mom's traditions!


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