Make it Yourself Mondays

One of my goals for this year was to learn how to make and do as much as I could here at home.  Things like homemade soap, laundry detergent, food, bread, deodorant, and my list could go on and on.  I am learning to keep the right stuff stocked on the shelves to make these items.  I have made bread for about 15 years now and can't tell you the last time I bought bread from the store, I just don't need to.  So for my first Make-it-Yourself Monday I am going to do yogurt!!

Now I was blessed recently by a friend, to be be given...for FREE a brand new, not even out of the box, yogurt maker!!!!  So that is what I am showing you in the pictures today, but I know there are recipes for yogurt making in a small cooler (that is how I was doing it before) So if you don't have a machine, get on-line and check out some recipes, I know the West Ladies at Homestead Blessings has an easy one.

Yogurt is expensive, especially if you buy organic, so by using our raw milk I am pretty sure I am saving money on this.

My Yogurt Maker                                               

Heat up the milk to 203 degrees and cool to 95 degrees

You will need six ounces of plain yogurt as a starter to mix in milk                  

I filled the jars

Let them set for six hours in the maker

It is really quick and easy and so good! I add a little vanilla and either stevia or honey for a little sweetness. It can't get any healthier than that.


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