First Day of Homeschooling~Nearing the Finish Line

We started on this journey 17 years ago, pretty much with no clue what we were doing. Hubby and I were both public school graduates, who leaped, both feet first, into the world of homeschooling with our five children. The three oldest had a year or two under their belt, the youngest two never stepped inside a school building. It was hard, wonderful, scary and fulfilling all at the same time. I know that is one my greatest achievements here on this earth. The first day of school picture looks very different this year. Just him and I. My baby (not so much). Things change as they get older, learning to read and write is taken over by career goals and job searches. Making sure they can balance a checkbook, do laundry, and boil water for food (the struggle is real 😊😊) I find myself missing the days of reading out loud as all six of us pile on the couch in the afternoon. But as I see our four oldest ones, and the adults they have become, some married, one a mom, all working and ...