
Time can be a funny thing, especially as we age. I remember in elementary school when three months summer break was a lifetime. My last post here was in September, just a little over five short months ago. In that short period of time we sold the farm, and had the deal fall out from under us, only after getting rid of all my beloved animals because we were moving, I shut down our home daycare and on top of all of that our oldest daughter got engaged AND married. 
I feel like I've lived a lifetime in less than six months, but life moves on. We are still waiting to sell our farm a second time. Thankfully the deal on our lake home is still on, but I am in limbo. Usually this time of the year includes scheduling shearing for the goats and alpacas, ordering meat birds, ordering seeds for the garden and getting them started and ready for the greenhouse, getting ready for the farmers market and the list goes on.

A Time For Everything
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Ecclesiastes 3:1

I will get through this "season" but realizing that this is just the beginning of big changes. Our oldest is a senior in college and will be going on for his master's in music, our second son is on staff with Life Action Ministries as a worship team leader and is traveling around the country playing music and leading worship, our daughter and son-in-law will bless us with grandchildren, the Lord willing. (I'm giddy about that season:))
Our next daughter is a junior in high school and youngest is a "freshmore" (homeschool for in between grades) In three short years my long career of homeschool mama will be complete.

That will be another difficult season, maybe even more so than this one.

Our five kiddos are seven years apart, so when we were in the thick of things, we were really in it! School was all day every day, teaching reading, writing and math encompassed most of my days. Meal times, bath times, and bed time stories, were all consistent for years in our schedule. I miss those days, but I am looking forward to spending more time with Hubby and fishing (hopefully) on the lake, have kids over and grandkids to spend the night. Learning that it is okay to have some down time and do more that I enjoy.

I did keep the angora rabbits and am continuing to pursue getting my jewelry and other handmade items on the market. And stepping out into new territory through trying to publish some children's books that I have worked on for several years. You guessed it, they are about the adventures here at the farm. I hope to do some "Farm girl on the lake" blogging, because you can take the girl off the farm, but you won't take the farm out of this girl! Worm farming is on my list of to do's so I'll let you know how it goes.

Count it ALL joy!


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