Pedigree English Angora Bunnies For Sale

I have 4 Pedigree English Angora Rabbits for sale. Three of them were born December 22, 2014 and one was born January 2, 2015. I have two boys and two girls. They all have really beautiful coloring. Asking $100 each with papers

Male- dob 1/2/15 color: Chocolate Agouti
Female - dob 12/22/14 Chestnut Agouti
Female - dob 12/22/14 Chocolate Agouti
Male - dob 12/22/14 Chocolate Agouti

We have raised Angora rabbit here at for over 9 years now and these are some of the prettiest colors I have seen! All parents are part of our herd. Our rabbits are handled often and make wonderful pets, show rabbits or just for fiber for spinning.

These are for local pick-up only. I don't ship rabbits because it is hard on the rabbits and very expensive to do so.

Email me if you are interested!


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