Saturday Morning on the Farm

This winter feels like it is never going to end. The ten day forecast doesn't look promising either. I have never been one who longs for going to a tropical island for a vacation, but that has changed this year. If Hubby comes home and said he bought us tickets for a cruise, I would be packed within the hour! The weather has made it difficult to do anything outside or even think about spring stuff that needs to be done around here.  We have another senior graduating this year! Our second son, Cameron will be finishing out his homeschool career and heading for his next great adventure. We have stuck with the tradition that Hubby and I had which is an open house. Eldest son's went off without a hitch a couple years ago and I am hoping for the same for this one. But, it is the first week of June, after this winter I'm concerned we could still have snow! There is still a ton to be done outdoors, but we are slowing getting it going. I am hopeful that Michigan will behave the way it usually does and we will go from 20 degrees to 80 in a day and summer will be upon us.

We are desperate to get barns and rabbit cages deep cleaned, but haven't been able to yet. We did finish our first rabbit colony last week and three of the angoras are enjoying their freedom. We have one more space to work on once we figure out all the kinks in this one. So far we haven't had any issues. We have about 20 angora rabbits right now.  All of the yarn I spin goes either to my jewelry, or is shipped out to a boutique in New York.  This gal has done what I am not able to do in our small Michigan town, which is to create and make money from her creations. So my yarn is purchased by her to go into her unique line of everything angora. I have had a rough year of breeding rabbits too, so babies haven't been around since last spring. That is a long stretch for us, but I have a batch due next week and I am hopeful we will be successful. I have a list of people just waiting for babies!

Some of my Jewelry

We finally got some chicks this year!

On my hook

Soap molds all lined and just waiting for some soap to be made!

The order is finally ready for the garden seeds

From fiber to yarn - angora

"Do I really need to share with these birds?"

The 3 rabbits in the colony, Cole, Jeffery and Daisy


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