
Showing posts from 2014

Nesting ~ Friday on the Farm

Having the privilege of being a mama to five, both boys and girls, I have been able to be a "watcher" of their gender differences. Things that are a big deal to us girls, really doesn't matter to the life of a boy. I am extremely visual in everything I do, especially being creative. I decorate the house fitting to my personality. Hubby could really care less. Not that he doesn't care, but it truly is not on his radar. God created us so different. Now anyone who knew me 25 years ago would never guess that I love nesting. I love cooking, decorating, creating, cleaning, laundry...well may be that is going to far, but you get the idea. I truly believe God created ALL women with this gift. Some do it better than others, some are never able to find it within themselves.  I struggle with this idea, but we spent years in the foster care system taking in children and seeing first hand women who have not embraced this gift. Now this doesn't mean boys don't get it. The...

First Annual Funny Pajama Day!

With the kids quickly getting older, I am trying to come up with some new family traditions that work for our growing family (and hopefully beyond someday:)) I declared today our first annual funny pajama day. What makes it funny? Well each person received a new pair of pj's fitting to their personality.  Hubby's is self explanatory and boy does he fit the "superman" title! Mine say "Super Mom", Eldest is "I have a piano and I'm not afraid to use it", Next is "Real Men Love Cats", #1 D is I'm and Artist (spelled backwards) Your rules don't apply", #2 D says "I'd rather be reading" and youngest says "No, I will not fix your computer"  We had so much fun with this today! I encourage everyone out there to get creative and not discouraged with the ever changing seasons of your own family! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 

Friday on the Farm

Michigan is a very small piece of heaven in the fall. This year is no exception, the colors are amazing this year. I don't know if it is because of the cold summer we had or what, but I will take it.  I was looking at the forecast for the next few weeks, they are predicting snow in our neck of the woods by mid-November. Now mind you, they can say it is going to be sunny and 80 some days and we have rain and 40 or vice versa here in Michigan. I'm not sure how I feel about an early winter yet. Last year was the coldest, snowiest, winter on record in decades here, but it was LONG. My memories as a child are ingrained deeply in my brain. Snow forts, ice skating, sledding. We did it all. Thanksgiving memories always had snow, enough to snowmobile at my grandparent's farm every year, or so it seems. I love winter. I love the idea of nesting and knitting. Snow blowing outside the windows and the beauty of it all. In my old age I am trying to be better at enjoying the season I am ...

Throwback Thursday

These will never get old, at least not for this mama.

Wacky Wednesday

I promised you would see many crazy things at the farm here on Wednesdays..... Yes, those are two alpacas, and yes, they are riding in the backseat of our Suburban. This has been a couple years back when we brought them home. It still makes me chuckle though:) 

Tail Spin Farm Tuesday

There is a lot happening on the farm these days. Whether it be three adult kids in the house (some only on weekends:(), trying my best to get my fiber, yarn and jewelry line up and running, or just everyday stuff (the most important) like homeschooling the 2 youngest, laundry that seems to multiply hourly, or food...oh the food that goes through this house!  I have written a couple of magazine articles and have submitted one of them, now just waiting to hear back.  My Tuesday afternoons are spent in East Lansing while our daughter is taking her first college class. I am working seriously on my jewelry line right now. Trying to figure out creative marketing (I've got some ideas up my sleeve), how to get my name out there, and make some money as we go along. This blog is in the process of being completely redone right now by a dear young friend of mine. I can't wait to see it finished. White Angora on my wheel Grey angora getting ready to be packaged The view out my...

Good Morning Mondays!

In my quest to be a more faithful blogger, I decided to give myself some weekly assignments (I work better under pressure!) I have come up with a theme for each day of the week here at the farm. Now, I am certain I won't be blogging everyday of the week, but this will help with some of my creative juices and get the ideas out of my brain and on to  paper umm, I mean screen. So here is what is new for the blog this week: Good Morning Mondays -This will include something to create, whether it be a recipe, a craft, or an idea to try. Tail Spin Farm Tuesdays -This is going to be what is happening here at the farm. It may include new items for my shop, upcoming classes, or projects going on at the farm. Wacky Wednesday -If you know our family, you would know our week is not complete without something goofy going on, or strange things that happen. This might include children, animals, or even Hubby...he might be on here a lot:) Throwback Thursday -Reminiscing about life on the farm...

Friday on the Farm

Hopefully now that I'm back in blogger land this will be more of a regular occurrence. I love looking at old photos as I sit here to share today's with you. I see how much my kiddos have grown, how the farm has morphed, and all those great memories we sometimes forget about on a daily basis.  Getting ready for our second sons open house this last spring was especially difficult for me, again one of the season things. I kept thinking back to all the things I didn't do with the kids when they were younger.  Hubby's tradition has been making awesome photo videos to go along with vacations, end of the years and kids graduations. He did that for this son also. We were watching the finished project before the open house and I was simply amazed and my spirit entirely lifted by just watching that video. It was a reminder to me of all the things we did accomplish in his 18 years, and were there ever a ton of things we did.  Spend time today enjoying those memories of seasons pas...