
Showing posts from November, 2011


Last night when my little kiddies should have been heading to bed we were outside playing in the snow!  We got dumped on here in mid-Michigan about 9-10 inches.  I took the camera out to play with some of the settings and to see what kind of neat pictures I could get. I stood out in my yard and realized how different and beautiful everything looks in the snow.  It is so peaceful and serene.  Now this morning doing chores in it wasn't so much fun, and we have some fences to repair because of the weight of the snow, but all is well with the animals. I am just waiting for the questions to come at me "Do we get a snow day too?" as all the public schools are closed.  We will continue our work and take some extra time outside to play today!  Maybe this is incentive to get their work done a little quicker today. There is a lesson in everything.

Big News for Tail Spin Farm

When we turned this little farm into a "hobby farm" a few years ago we only wanted one thing...for it to at least pay for feed for the animals.  Well, it hasn't always done that, and I have often questioned if this is what I was supposed to be spending time and energy on.  Just when I think about selling all of my angoras and just being done, God opens doors. My dream for my fiber farm (mainly angora rabbits) was to spin yarn to sell, create things to sell or sell the rabbits.  We have done a bit of all of this, but never much.  This week I was contact by a designer from New York, who has her own line of angora items.  She found me from our local harvest site, and she wants to purchase ALL of the yarn I can get to her to create her line with!!!!  This is exactly what I have always wanted (alright, I would rather have my own "line") and wanting to be wife, mom and homeschooler has to come first right now, so this is going to be a perfect fit for me! I sh...


And the winner is...  Amy!!! Your hat will be in the mail!


Okay, the snow is flying outside and I am feeling like it is time for another Tail Spin Farm giveaway!  Here is what you do: 1.  Become a follower of my blog (if you are already go to #2) 2.  Blog about the giveaway on your blog (If you don't have a blog, you should:), but you can facebook       it also! 3.  Leave me a comment here. What you can win: This warm, fuzzy, hand spun, hand dyed (no we don't have weird colored rabbits) 100% hand made in Michigan at Tail Spin Farm by yours truly, Angora rabbit winter hat. We will pick the winner next Friday, November 25, 2011.

Upcoming Speak Up! Interview with Terri at Our Crazy Farm

I have mentioned quite often here about Hubby's "side job" in a ministry called Christian Devotions  where he hosts a Internet Blog Talk radio show called Speak Up!  He has been able to interview and "meet" some very awesome people.  He is very good at what he does and has a very good stage presence when it comes to interviewing people.  Me, not so much.  This is WAY out of my comfort zone.  I did help him about a year and a half ago and co-hosted with him, but didn't say too much. Why do I mention all of this?  Well I will be stepping WAY out of my comfort zone on November 29, because Scott is going to be interviewing a very dear "bloggy friend" Terry  .  I know a lot of you know who she is, and the faith walk her and her family have taken the 10 months.  I will be joining Scott to interview Terri.  I think this interview will have a grand impact on a lot of people and I hope some of you will join us and see where God is leading ...

Tuesday on Tail Spin Farm

WOW! Time sure can fly around here. Both Hubby and my youngest Sis reminded me how long it has been since I have blogged anything! I have been struggling through some health things (sinus/allergies and a tooth that had to be surgically removed), and honestly just haven't felt like doing much of anything extra! I find when I am not feeling well, God has a way of putting things into perspective for me as to what is most important. Although on the days when I was feeling good I got a lot accomplished. We have been making soap again. The more we make it, the easier it gets and the more creative we get! So I have 5 batches all cut and sitting with 2 or 3 more planned this week. I have also been able to dye some fiber today for a Christmas present I want to start working on. November is a big birthday month for our family and even more so this year. Our second son Cameron turned 16 on Friday and Hubby's birthday is this Thursday. Our oldest, Nolan, turns 18 Thanksgiving weekend! Oh...