Maple Valley Farm

Hubby and I have been fortunate enough to get to know Matt and Ang and their family from Maple Valley Off Grid Farm.  Their farm is about 45 minutes from us.  Scott and I stayed at the off-grid cottage this spring, with the promise we would come again and bring the entire family. 

Last weekend we had plans to do just that.  To my surprise I got a call Friday afternoon from Ang saying that they really needed to re-schedule our visit, because in about 45 minutes a film crew was going to be at their farm to film them for an up coming episode of The Anderson Cooper Show and then the entire family was heading to New York to be on his show!!  She asked us to keep it under wraps until everything was all said and done.  Well they are home from New York, and will be on his show this Tuesday!  Local here in Michigan it is on 4p.m.  You really need to check this out and get a glimpse of this really neat family!  Here is the link to his show


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