Farm Stuff

We are quickly jumping into fall weather here in Mid-Michigan!  We had some frost warnings to the north of us yesterday morning.  We are a bit warmer today, but the season is quickly changing this year.  After the hard winter we had last year, I am wondering what we can look forward to this year!  We decided to get the apples and pears off the trees last night with this cold weather.  We got almost 2 bushels of pears and about 1/2 bushel of apples.  The trees were planted by us about 9 years ago and this was the first real harvest we have had!  We were really excited.  Although, if it were up to my potato farming skills to feed us through winter, I would have failed miserably as you can tell from the potatoes I dug last night!  We have carrots to pull and can today and some more tomatoes to get out of the garden. 

Chickens are still laying

My new boots:)

Butterfly Bush


Cortland Apples


"Dark Cat the Hunter"

My potatoes:((

Look at the size of that one

Hubby picking pears

"The Next" helping Hubby

This was last night, it was one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen!


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