Bread on the Grill

The one thing that we have all missed during this remodel was so much the kitchen, but what came out of it.  I have been baking 99.8% of our bread for the last 15 years.  I have probably purchased it only a handful of times.  Homemade bread beats store bought bread hands down!  I have tried many different brands and kinds and they all just taste like cardboard to me.

We were supposed to have our stove hooked up Monday, and then Tuesday, and well...we hit some minor snags so the stove is still not hooked up.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I wanted fresh milled, homemade bread.  So I did what any desperate woman would do, I got creative!!  I had a cast iron bread pan and baked our bread in the grill today.  It turned out beautiful.  We had egg salad sandwiches (from our chickens), on homemade bread, and a salad taken right from our garden.  It was a great supper!


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