Tuesday on Tail Spin Farm

The weather has been beautiful this week, but I am so ready for snow!!  We have been keeping busy with school and projects.  I have been grooming rabbits and listing angora yarn on my shop for the last week.  Hubby leaves tomorrow for Penn. on a business trip and taking our youngest daughter with him.  He does this once a year with our kids, they love it although my youngest is trying to weasel his way into going on this trip, he doesn't think he will make it until next fall.  My Hubby's birthday is tomorrow so we are celebrating tonight.  It's a big one:) so I am certain that this business trip was scheduled this week on purpose, I think he was afraid of a birthday party.  My "big one" will be coming next year and there is no way that I want a party, so I won't do it to him!!
 Homemade Crème Fraiche
 Kombucha Tea
 My outside boy enjoying the sun
Koko, one of our French angoras


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    God Bless You :-)



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