Still Here!

I continue to be amazed how "time flies" and we continue to get busier than we were previously. There are many changes happening here at our home and farm. I won't go into great detail because I feel like each one of them could be a post itself. Kiddos are growing, getting older, and slowly flying the nest. The last six months or so have many changes happening. The farm is still going in full swing as are the fiber animals and all the fiber stuff that comes with them. One thing I know is I have missed blogging. I miss writing and recording things here on the blog. I hope to do better with this. My website is in the process of being upgraded and turned into something that I can also sell farm goods on. Baby chicks in the tractor Are you my brother from another mother? My garden is stunted with all the rain we've had in Michigan so far! The sunsets have been spectacular so far this spring and summer.