Friday on the Farm

Well after a week of of 95+ days here in Mid-Michigan I am ready to move to Alaska! The old saying of the corn crops being knee high by the 4th of July rang true this year plus some. It looks like we have had enough mix of rain and sun to produce great crops so far this year. Our garden is beautiful and for having most of it grown by seed this year thanks to our greenhouse, we are impressed. Once everything hits it is going to hit hard. There are about 100 green tomatoes out there just waiting for some water. Our goal every year is to try and can as much as possible and try at least one new thing a year. The new thing this year for us will be Ketchup. You would be surprised how much ketchup a family of 9 goes through in a month. It doesn't help that one of those 9 puts it on EVERYTHING she eats. "She" shall remain nameless, but her name starts with R and it isn't me:) With the heat here at the farm comes extra work with ...