Friday on the Farm
Winter storm Q paid us a visit this morning. We were only supposed to catch the tail end and get about 2", maybe 4" in isolated areas. Well, they were wrong again and we ended up with a bit more here in mid-Michigan, considering we had green grass as of last night. Who is naming these storms anyways? They need a bit of creativity. Speaking of creative, about a year ago I decided, due to some health issues, to go gluten free. I haven't gone 100%, but I have lost close to 40 pounds (yes, just by doing this) and feel much better. My sister sent me a gluten free cookie recipe to try. It has garbanzo beans in it. Yup beans. No flour, just beans. I was skeptical, but there was also peanut butter and chocolate chips. I am a huge peanut butter fan (Hubby almost had to buy stock in Jif during my first pregnancy) and chocolate speaks for itself to most of us. So I decided to try them this morning. OH MY. I am amazed ...