
Showing posts from 2013

Merry Christmas and Ice Storm

I have been absent from the blog lately due to the season I am in right now. We are still knee deep in foster care, one foster son returned to his dad and a relationship formed with that family, which is exciting to see and it continues. We have another 2 year old girl that has been here since the beginning of November. It is looking like right now she will be with us long term right now. This is by far the most difficult and sad case we have been involved in. I sat in court for three hours this week almost in tears listening to the circumstances surrounding this sweet little girl's life. I like my bubble. I don't want to know that this kind of stuff happens other than in the movies, but it does folks, everyday. So the Christmas season has been full and our house has a revolving door for people right now, which is perfect. Our weekend began with an ice storm that shut down most of the town. We are praying for many people without power still tonight. The pictures around the farm...

Class Cancelled

The felted angora earring class has been cancelled for tomorrow here at the farm.  If more people are interested let me know and I will reschedule!

(A Chilly) Friday on the Farm

I feel so blessed to live in an area with all four beautiful seasons!  With heavy frost the last two mornings, and snow spitting earlier this week I know that winter is just around the corner.  We have accomplished most things we wanted to this fall.  There is 1/2 of grass fed Angus beef in the freezer, 26 Freedom Ranger chickens raised mainly on grass, and 3 heritage breed turkeys.  Yes, this was the last of the the turkey raising for us.  Our dreams of continuing this breed and raising them to sell just didn't work out.  So now I have two empty pens in the backyard to make plans for colony raising rabbits outdoors in the fresh air and not in cages.  Hubby finished most of the new compost bin last night, I had said this before, but I am amazed at what you can do with a few free pallets and some labor.  The apples and pears are off the trees, we had a bumper crop this year and are still trying to get them stored.  We made our own apple cider...

Come Visit Our Farm!!!

Our farm has the privilege of being involved this year in the Michigan Holiday Fiber Trail.  Our farm will be open on December 7, 2013 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.  You can just come to visit and say hi, take a tour of our small farm and pet the angora bunnies, pygora goats, or alpacas. Our home will be open for Christmas shopping, where we will have homemade knitted and crocheted products and fiber products from our very own animals.  If you are in the Mid-Michigan area don't miss this fun opportunity to kick off the holiday! If you aren't close to us, there are plenty more farms to visit on that day throughout the state of Michigan.  You will be amazed to see what our great state produces and support other small farms like ours!

End of Summer

We are trying to soak in every last bit of summer we can this year.  We have spent time fishing with friends, playing tennis, and the usual gardening and canning that come at this time of the year. I say this every year, the older I get the quicker time goes.  We still have our 2 year old foster son, but unfortunately the powers that be decided to move our 2 year old girl to a relatives home.  It was hard on all of us.  That will be the thing that I never get used to. Kids coming in and out of our home.  I do still see her a couple times a week on my visitation run (another thing I struggle with).  She is doing well, but last night decided she wanted to come home with me and was very upset she couldn't, again something that breaks my heart. When Hubby and I were dating and in our early marriage, we spent almost every evening playing tennis with my family.  My Dad, brother-in-law, and sisters would all join in the fun.  We haven't done it in y...

Real Life

I started reading a book last night and it talked about other people's impressions of our lives.  What people may see (or assume)in our lives on the outside is perfection, but real life happens.  I am as guilty as the next person.  I love to go through blogs or Pinterest to be inspired by others, and then what happens is discontentment in my own life or what I have been blessed with.  Hubby also got me thinking last night about enjoying what we have now.  Our dream is to move to a lake some day.  That maybe all it ever is, a dream.  Both of us come from families that are "planters". Our folks have both lived in the same houses for 40+ years.  This is our 3rd home and this probably will be it for us too, but, it still is fun to dream. Now I have been told that I always have it together.  I just have to laugh, because right now it is 10 a.m. and I am still in my p.j.'s. Don't get me wrong,  I have been up for hours, worked on 2 website and...

Friday on the Farm

August. Are you serious? Every summer I say this isn't going to happen and it does. Summer flies by. School will be starting in a few weeks.  Eldest will be heading back to college. I will be embarking on my 12th+ year of homeschool with a senior, junior, freshman, 7th grader and 2 preschoolers this year (fosters are still with us) I am scared in more ways than one. I realize that in 5 short years our homeschool adventure may be done. With the possible option of adopting again, I wonder if I can do this for...16 more years!!!  My son reminded me that God will make that possible, and I am learning to live day to day and not in "What if land". Our garden seems to be in stand-still mode, as we went from 100 degree days that were unbearable to 60 and 70 degrees during the day and 40's at night!  We are picking beans and cukes and that is about it. I am still hopeful though.  There are hundreds of green tomatoes on the vines and summer isn't done yet.  I haven'...