Merry Christmas and Ice Storm

I have been absent from the blog lately due to the season I am in right now. We are still knee deep in foster care, one foster son returned to his dad and a relationship formed with that family, which is exciting to see and it continues. We have another 2 year old girl that has been here since the beginning of November. It is looking like right now she will be with us long term right now. This is by far the most difficult and sad case we have been involved in. I sat in court for three hours this week almost in tears listening to the circumstances surrounding this sweet little girl's life. I like my bubble. I don't want to know that this kind of stuff happens other than in the movies, but it does folks, everyday. So the Christmas season has been full and our house has a revolving door for people right now, which is perfect. Our weekend began with an ice storm that shut down most of the town. We are praying for many people without power still tonight. The pictures around the farm...