College Visit

We are off tomorrow for a "mid-winter" break here at home and a bittersweet visit to Kentucky Christian University for a college visit for our oldest. The saying that keeps popping into my mind is one I heard so often from my folks "I remember when I was your age" I never understood during my teens years how they remember being young, because they obviously weren't ever young! I am the same age now that my mom was when I graduated. I can remember graduating like it was yesterday, and here I am getting ready to send our oldest off to college. What an odd feeling. I can proudly say that we (only through God's graces) have successfully homeschooled one through high school, and we all survived and thrived! Nolan blew away his SAT's and ACT scores. He has been offered four (Yes, 4!!!!) full ride academic scholarships (none are very close to home;() and he will go on next year to study music, which has been his passion for many years. ...